What is Computer?

What is computer?

A computer is an electronic device that can perform a variety of operations according to a set of instructions called program.
It then displays or prints the result. A computer is a general purpose machine that manipulates raw facts according to a set of instructions that are fed into it.
  1. Raw facts are known as data.
  2. Meaningful data constitute information.
  3. Command that tells computer what to do are called instructions.
  4. The computer as a machine and all other equipment associated with it constitute hardware.
  5. The instructions that tell it what to do is called program.
  6. A set of programs that perform a particular task is named software.
The world "computer" comes from the word "compute" which means to calculate. So a computer is normally considered to be a calculating device that can perform arithmetic operations at an enormous speed. But more accurately , a computer may be defined as a device that operates upon data.

➡️ A computer can , not only store and process data , but also retrieves data i.e. take out data from its memory or storage as and when desired. Thus, computer is a general term that refers to an electronic data processing machine used for a wide range of activities.


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