How to Create Files using CMD ( Command Prompt) ?

Hey, guy's In this blog I'm going to tell you how can you create any files using CMD so let's start.

1. Click Start Button

Firs,t you have to click on the start button.

2. Write CMD

Now you have to write cmd to open it and you can see the search result 

3. Now click ENTER button

When you search the result and now you have to click ENTER button to open it.

Now you can see here the cmd is opened so you have to write command to create any file and yo can change the location where you want to create the file.

To change location

If you want to create the file in the desktop so write command 

cd desktop

Now you can see here the location of the cmd is changed now you can create the file in the desktop

Create file

To create the file you have to write the cmd 
md file name 

and then press ENTER

You can see in this screenshot that a new file has been created using cmd.
By this technique, you can create any file and any location using this cmd command.

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