How Google hacking works ?

Hey guy's In this blog I'm going to tell you How Google Hacking works, So let's start

Google hacking also named Google dorking, is a computer hacking technique that users Google Search and other Google application to find security holes in the configuration and computer code that websites use

Nowadays most of the people are searching on Google and by the Google hacking technique, we can save our time to finding any information from Google. When we use Google Hacking tips the Google gives the exact information which you want to search so this is very good tips that can save our time.


Google hacking involves using advanced operators in the Google search engine to locate specific strings of text within
search results. Some of the more popular examples are finding specific versions of vulnerable Web applications. A
search query with
intitle:admbook intitle:Fversion filetype:php would locate all web pages that have that
particular text contained within them. It is normal for default installations of applications to include their running
version in every page they serve, for example, "Powered by XOOPS 2.2.3 Final".
One can even retrieve the username and password list from Microsoft FrontPage servers by inputting the given
microscript in Google search field:

"#-Frontpage-" inurl:administrators.pwd
or filetype:log inurl password login

Advanced operators

 There are many similar advanced operators which can be used to exploit insecure websites:
Operator Purpose Mixes with Other
Can be used
Web Images Groups News
intitle Search page Title yes yes yes yes yes yes
allintitle[3] Search page title no yes yes yes yes yes
inurl Search URL yes yes yes yes not
allinurl Search URL no yes yes yes yes like
filetype specific files yes|yes yes no not
intext Search text of
page only
yes yes yes yes yes yes
allintext Search text of
page only
really yes yes yes yes yes
site Search specific
yes yes yes yes no n reoatlly
link Search for links
to pages
yes yes yes no no n reoatlly
inanchor Search link
anchor text
yes yes yes yes n reoatlly yes
numrange Locate number yes yes yes yes yes not
daterange Search in date
yes yes yes not
author Group author
yes yes no no yes n reoatlly
group Group name
really yes no yes yes n reoatlly
insubject Group subject
yes yes liinkteitle liinkteitle yes liinkteitle
msgid Group msgid
no yes n reoatlly n reoatlly y reeaslly

So, these are the Google Hacking tips you should use these and can save your time.

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